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Friday, February 11, 2011


Ini Yang Anwar Kata

Tun Mahathir was correct after all - how easily people will forget about the truth and history.. Look at the article above.... once AI was one of the most vocal leader against DAP and PAS. Now... he is their leader... supporting every steps and moves the 2 party make. That's what a desperate politician like to do. Just say anything and people will believe you. Just say anything as long as it give you mileage in the political world... They don't care about principle and the welfare of the people.... all they are after are personal gain and glory... I think the situation now has proven this. Just because he is on the other side now, whatever TG Nik Aziz said now is wise and brilliant... So much the opposite of what he said when he was on the blue side of the divide... and the funny side of the whole thing.... those people who he once calls "the Circus Clowns", now worship them as their leader.... nor matter what kind of pride and honour they have to sacrifice.....

OTAI BULEZ SAYS.... people..... please think with your inner feelings.. think with your inner brain... don't just accept what other people preach to you... but you yourself must do some soul searching and search for the real truth...

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